4 Unknown Bone Diseases
In addition to osteoporosis, there are a number of bone diseases that are classified as rare, among them are Paget's disease, osteogenesis imperfecta, bone metastases, and kidney osteodystrophy. The following explanation about the disease and its causes.
Bone growth rates are known to occur in childhood, adolescence, to young adulthood. This growth period needs to be supported by adequate intake of calcium, vitamin D and exercise so that bones are strong and not easily porous. Because, at the age of 20 years, bones tend to be more easily brittle and cause health problems in the bones.
Recognize the Types of Rare Bone Disclosure Classified
But despite trying to protect bones well by meeting nutritional needs and a good lifestyle, there are also bone diseases that can still attack. Bone diseases of this type mostly attack because it is related to genetic, environmental, and certain diseases suffered. Some bone diseases of this type include:Paget's disease
One bone disease that is rarely heard is Paget's disease. This condition occurs when the bone renewal and repair cycle does not proceed as it should. In this case, bone regeneration takes place faster than it should. However, the main cause of this disorder is still not known with certainty. Provisional estimates are genetic factors in the family and environmental factors.
As a result of abnormalities in the regeneration process, the bones actually become weak and eventually experience deformities (deformity). A common symptom of this type of bone disease is the onset of bone pain. This pain usually often occurs in the pelvic area and spine. When lying down, pain in the bones becomes increasingly alias, more unbearable.
In many cases of Paget's disease, no symptoms appear, so this disease can only be known when a fractured or broken bone occurs or when checking with a doctor. Therefore, what can at least be done is to immediately see a doctor when experiencing symptoms of pain in the bone or changes in shape of the bone.
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Another name for osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is brittle bone disease. This condition is characterized by imperfect bone formation. The physical condition of patients with this disease can be seen in the bones that experience fragility and easily cracked or broken. This type of bone disease usually has appeared since birth, and occurs in children whose families have a history of similar genetic aliases.
Most of these bone disorders are mild. When this brittle bone disease develops to become severe, it can lead to heart failure, problematic spinal cord, permanent physical disability, or hearing loss.
Until now there has been no treatment that can cure this bone disease. But efforts to deal with drugs, physiotherapy, and special rehabilitation can help sufferers to be able to undergo normal daily activities. In some cases, bone surgery is needed to overcome the effects of bone damage on this bone disease.
The next bone disease is bone metastasis that occurs when cancer cells spread to the bone. The cancer cells that can spread can come from various types of cancer that previously existed. Bone metastases are usually more common in the spine, pelvis and femur. Chances are, this disease is an early indication that someone has cancer.
But in some cases, bone metastasis may occur after a person undergoes cancer treatment several years ago. Breast cancer and prostate cancer are types of cancer that often spread cancer cells.
This type of bone disease can cause pain and fractures. In general, cancer that has spread to the bones cannot be cured. In conditions of cancer that can no longer be cured (stage 4 cancer), the treatment provided is only intended to reduce pain. In this case, treatment is also carried out to relieve other symptoms due to bone metastasis.
Kidney osteodystrophy
Kidney osteodystrophy is a bone disease that specifically affects someone who has kidney problems. Kidney disorders are characterized by the inability of the kidneys to maintain a balanced composition of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. This type of disorder is common in people with kidney disease and in most dialysis patients.
Beware if this disease affects children whose bones are still developing because it will have a serious impact later on. Some of these effects are stunted bone growth and cause disability. Defects that occur can be either bent legs inward or outward.
This type of bone abnormality is commonly called kidney rickets. One more effect of bone growth disorders that can be seen clearly is a short posture in children.
The symptoms of this disease can be monitored from the growth of children suffering from kidney disease, even before they are required to undergo dialysis. Conversely in adults, new symptoms appear after sufferers undergo dialysis for several years.
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